To know Him and make Him known!
City of Light Baptist Church is a body of believers dedicated to making disciples in their homes, neighborhoods, cities and around the world.
We structure every aspect of our church, around the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the hope that can be found when one turns from their sin and places their faith in Christ alone for salvation.
We desire to see each person that walks into our church study, learn, grow and teach others to be more like Christ.
We practice expository preaching, which grounds the sermon to the text of Scripture and aligns the interpretation of the text with the doctrinal truths of the rest of the Bible.
We believe we were created to live in community and when we come alongside one another we can support, strengthen and grow in ways that we never could alone.
We desire to be a body of believers show the love of Christ through the proclamation of the gospel and through service in our local community and around the world.
At City of Light Baptist Church the Bible is our foundation. All of our teaching and ministry is rooted in and flows out of the Scripture. Our doctrinal statement is a compilation of the core beliefs of City of Light Baptist Church.